MadMen: The Smoking Pitch
Around the world there are millions of different sources that provide us information from every kind. However some information may rely in more accurate concepts and fundaments. There´s where the concept of credibility appears. Each source, from people, to magazines, to newspapers, can be more or less credible. That´s why we use a credibility criteria in order to identify the concept. One of the ideas we take into account in the credibility criteria is the vested interest. Companies, governments, etc sometimes have a personal interest in the outcame of a decision or situation. That is why they may distort information in other to favour themselves. Consequently, reducing the credibility. In class we saw an extract of the tv serie MadMen: We analysed it and answered the following questions: 1. Identify some of the vested interest in this scene. How do these work? 2. Why is Peter´s idea rejected and Dom´s idea accepted? 3. Find and old tobacco advertising picture and analyse it i...