
Mostrando entradas de julio, 2013


Here you have my Glogster about Nicholas II Hope you like it

L/L Writing Short Story

First Draft The Girl in the donkey-hide   My name is Elizabeth Patch and I´m a war-orphan. The war-orphans are the kids who had lost their parents during the First and Second World War. The Third World War was approaching and many kids were entering the orphanage. "The British Communism Council" was an enormous house full of rooms with approximate ten beds in each one. It was full of Windows that were dirty, but always open. Surprisingly no light entered throughout them, even in July when the sun shined and illuminate every single part. Maybe that was why so many boys and girls cried. Maybe that´s why so many didn´t eat. Or maybe that was the reason why so many died. But in fact, we didn´t have so many reasons to smile. My room neighbor had cholera, she was about to die. My best friend lost his brother last week. And I...I was alone...up to that day.   The 1st of January, in the middle of one of the coldest winters, a family conformed by a respectable gentleman, a

Final Work

Boxing Day Tsunami One of the deadliest tsunamies sum up in one Prezi: